When approving a Supplier Profile, you may need to query some of the information provided by the supplier. Canopy has a mechanism for you to send the profile back to the supplier with clear instructions for the fields where you require further information.
You can do this by using the Query button next to each field requiring approval.
When a supplier is going through this loop, their status will move to Returned To Supplier.
In this article you will learn:
How to Query a specific data point in the Supplier profile
Return To Supplier: How to return the profile to the supplier
How to Query a specific data point in the Supplier profile
To query a data point in the Supplier Profile, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to the data point you wish to query.
- If you have permission to query this data point, you will see a Query button next to the question
- If you cannot see the Query button, this may be because:
- You are not the assigned Section Approver for this data point. In this case, you would need to contact the relevant Section Approver and ask them to submit the query on your behalf
- The data point may have already been approved. If you wish to proceed with querying the data point, you will need to unapprove, by clicking the Unapprove button.
- Click the Query button . A Comments and Documents pane will appear below the question.
- Enter an explanation of why you are querying the data point in the Comment box. Please note, this will be visible to the supplier.
- Click Save Comment to save your comment to the data point
- If you wish, feel free to upload any additional documents in the Documents pane. Please note, any documents you upload will be visible to the supplier.
- To remove your query, click the Remove Query button .
Once you have completed all your Approvals/Queries, you will need to return the profile to the supplier by following the Return To Supplier process below.
Return To Supplier: How to return the profile to the supplier
If you have queried a data point on the Supplier Profile, you will need to send the profile back to the supplier so that they can address the issue.
Please only return the profile to the supplier after you have completed your full review of the Supplier Profile, including all other Approvals and Queries. This is because returning the profile to the supplier will prevent all other Approvers from being able to continue with their review.
To return the profile to the supplier, follow these steps:
- On the Supplier Data dashboard, navigate to the Review tab on the left hand side
- Any data points you have put into Query will be listed in the Review pane
- Refer to the Return To Supplier pane
- In the Reason box, enter an explanation to the supplier about what you require them to do. This will be sent to them by email. Please make your description as clear as possible, so the supplier understands what they need to do.
- Click the Return to Supplier button on the right hand side. This will send the profile back to the supplier, and lock out all other Approvers until the supplier resubmits.
The supplier will receive an email informing them they have fields to review. The status of the Supplier Profile will move to 'Returned To Supplier'.
Once the supplier resubmits, all the relevant Section Approvers will be informed by email and through their Worklist. All previously completed approvals will be saved, but if the supplier has changed a data point, it will be reopened for reapproval.