How to identify whether a supplier has logged into the profile
You can identify whether a supplier has logged into Canopy via the status of the supplier profile.
When a supplier invitation is sent, the status of the supplier will be 'Invite Not Responded', This means that the invitation has been sent to the Supplier Admin, but they are yet to respond to the invite. The supplier profile will remain in that status until the Supplier Admin logs into the profile.
Once the supplier has logged into the system, the status of the profile will change to 'Invited'. This means that the supplier has logged into the profile, but is yet to submit the data.
How can I see what data is yet to be filled out by the supplier before they submit the profile?
As an internal user of the business, you can navigate to the 'Draft' view of the Data Framework.
This is the view that is presented to the supplier, and you will have the ability to see what fields the supplier has filled out, and what mandatory data is yet to be filled out, for the profile to be submitted.