As the Supplier user, you only see one view of the profile, which is known as the Draft view. This makes adding and/or editing data very simple.
To add or edit data on your profile, please follow these steps:
- Find the field you wish to edit
- Click into the field, which will enable you to edit it
- Type or select the appropriate response
- Click out of the field to save your answer, which is indicated by a spinningicon
- Canopy will automatically run validation calculations in the background, and inform you if the answer has been accepted or is invalid
- The data you have entered will not be confirmed until it is 'Submitted', by navigating to the Submit Registration tab and clicking the Submit Registration button
- In most cases, the profile will need to be 'Approved' before the updated information appear on the Published record of the supplier
For a more detailed step-by-step guide to completing your Supplier Profile, please click here.