In this article, you will learn how to bulk update Business Owners on existing supplier profiles.
To bulk update Business Owners, please follow these steps:
- Go to the Bulk Action Suppliers page (detailed on the parent document)
- Select Update Business Owners from the options provided:
3. Click Export Suppliers to export a CSV containing all supplier records from the system and their business owner information.
Please do not edit the supplier's UID and company name as these are used to reference the updates to Business Owners.
4. Update column C with the Primary Business Owner. Only one email address may be entered
5. Update column D with any additional Non-Primary Business Owners. Multiple emails may be entered in a comma separated list. This must not contain the same email as the Primary Owner column.
Please ensure the following conditions are met in your edited data:
- The 'Primary Business Owner' is a single email.
- The 'Non-Primary Business Owners' emails do not contain the same email as the Primary Owner column and are provided as a comma-separated list.
- All Business Owners exist as an internal user in the 'Users' page.
5. Once you have updated the spreadsheet with your desired changes, please save the CSV file and upload this via the 'Update Business Owners' section as follows:
6. Click the 'Update Suppliers' button at the bottom right-hand side of the 'Update Business Owners' section, as displayed in the screenshot above. You will then receive a pop-up with a 'successfully imported’ message and the History view, informing you of the progress of the import:
Please keep the page open until the import is complete. Once completed, Business Owners will be updated as per the specified spreadsheet, and you may safely navigate away from the page.