To Bulk Invite suppliers that are 'Record Created' in the portal, please follow these steps:
- Select the 'Bulk Action' button on the top right side of the page.
- Select the 'Invite Existing Suppliers' button on the top left side of the page
- Download the Bulk Update template by selecting the 'Export Suppliers' button on the right side of the page
- In the CSV template, enter the email addresses of the suppliers you would like to invite into the 'Supplier Contact Email' column (Please remember to save the changes entered)
- Then, change the 'Profile Admin' column to 'Supplier' for those you would like to invite (Please remember to save the changes entered)
- Upload the spreadsheet to the system via the 'Upload' icon in the center of the page.
- Once uploaded, select the 'Update Suppliers' button on the right side of the screen.
An invitation will then be sent to the supplier(s) via email. You will see that the Supplier Status would have changed to 'Invited Not Responded', and the Profile Admin is the supplier by clicking 'Suppliers' from the menu bar.